The most effective method to invigorate, reset, or reestablish your PC 

For data about this subject in Windows 10, see Recovery alternatives in Windows 10.

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In case you’re having issues with your PC, you can:

Revive your PC to reinstall Windows and keep your own records and settings. Invigorate likewise keeps the applications that accompanied your PC and the applications you introduced from the Microsoft Store.

Reset your PC to reinstall Windows however erase your records, settings, and applications—aside from the applications that accompanied your PC.

Reestablish your PC to fix ongoing framework transforms you’ve made.

In case you’re experiencing difficulty beginning (booting) your PC, see ?Windows Startup Settings (counting safe mode)?, and go to the “Get to Windows Startup Settings in the Windows Recovery Environment” area. You can revive, reset, or reestablish your PC from the Windows Recovery Environment.

In the event that you need to back up and reestablish your own records utilizing File History, see Set up a drive for File History.
Before you begin to invigorate or reset your PC

Much of the time, when you begin to revive or reset your PC, it’ll complete without anyone else. Be that as it may, if Windows needs missing documents, you’ll be approached to embed recuperation media, which is regularly on a DVD plate or thumb drive. On the off chance that that occurs, what you’ll require relies upon your PC.
Invigorate, reset, or reestablish

Select any of the accompanying for progressively definite information.

Demonstrate all

Revive your PC without influencing your records

Reset your PC

Reestablish your PC to a prior point in time

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