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Farragut North Poster

Theater Poster: Farragut North

Farragut North is a play about a young press secretary name Stephan Bellamy who is working on the primary campaign for presidential candidate Governor Morris. The play was written by Beau Willimon about his time working for Senator Charles Schumer and on the 2004 Howard Dean presidential primary. The title of the play refers to the metrorail station, Farragut North, which is near where many lobbyists, think tanks, etc. have offices. This stop is symbolic of having made it into the world of elite politics. The play itself follows the downfall of Stephan as he flies too close to the political sun and the wax melts from his wings.
I won't spoil the plot, but the nature of the hubris in this play reminded me of a modern day Greek tragedy. I wanted to allude to that feeling, so I chose to create a modern day Icarus; a man falling from a spotlight thinking he was greater than he was, his speech having become disheveled and trailing behind him.
I continued by translating the poster into an ad or announcement for the theater department to post on their Instagram. I chose to create a series of images because I felt breaking it up would lead to a sort of breadcrumb effect and make it more a little more interactive for the viewer and keep their attention a little longer.

And finally a program cover.

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Farragut North Poster

Farragut North Poster
