McKinley Carr's profile

Vector Ocean Creatures!

Vector Ocean Creature Icons!

This project was a blast to work on! It certainly took some time and patience, but I'm thrilled with the final results. I started out wanting to create a set of 12 icons with an ocean theme at the center. My target audience for this particular project was bright fun people with a love for the happy quirky aspects of life. I wanted my designs to make people smile or chuckle.

I started out with some initial sketches depicting different ideas and concepts I wanted to include in each icon. You'll notice that each sketch started with a circle. I strived to keep a theme of round circular shapes for this project to unify the set. To keep my ocean theme I sketched numerous ocean creatures! Some ended up in my final design, while others sadly got the boot. 
**You'll notice the little person in a swimming suit (sketch 30) got the boot!​​​​​​​

As I started creating the icons in illustrator I was left with a lot of difficult decisions. One of these was rather or not I should include a black stroke on each of the icons. After creating a poll on my social media and getting numerous opinions, I decided on keep the stroke! Many people felt that both looked great, but that the stroke helped to add some extra definition. Instead of making it black I chose to use a darker value of the focus blue and orange colors I finalized for the color scheme. I also added drop shadows to help each icon pop off the page!
In the end, I feel that my final project truly speaks to those who have a happy fun outlook on life! The icons are bright, humorous, fun, and colorful. Their simple design helps viewers to focus on the important aspects of each icon. 
Vector Ocean Creatures!

Vector Ocean Creatures!
