Chelsea Dolpire's profile

"Thacyouliar" | Poster Illustration

This brief required us to create a word for a moment that has not been named yet.

Combination of the words: Thank you and peculiar.
I chose the moment when you realise that you have said “thank you” too many times.
Often when we are lost for words or just nervous we end up saying thank you an uncontrollable amount.
At that moment we cringe with realisation and just end up being embarrassed. The poster consists of an over-whelming amount of thank yous. Each illustration represents a moment when thank you is said too much. The cards consist of cropped images from the poster that helps to explain the poster. These cards can be used as thank you cards or handouts that explain the word: Thacyoulier.
"Thacyouliar" | Poster Illustration

"Thacyouliar" | Poster Illustration

Poster Illustration
