The problem Otterbox faces is that consumers see their cases as clunky and unnecessary.
MediaPost reported in 2018 that 1 in 10 Millennials would rather lose a finger than not have their phone. Despite people’s attachments to their phones, they don’t treat them well.  WB Solutions reports the average time from purchase to breaking your phone is approximately ten weeks. This issue could be resolved if people bought Otterbox’s protective cases, but in the consumers’ eyes, pretty cases trump protective ones. So we needed to show them that a clunky phone is better than a broken one.
The Solution: Otterbox cares more about your phone than you do.
If we care enough to send you condolences for your dead phones, next time,  you’ll care enough to buy an Otterbox. 
We will create pop-up shops across multiple cities where people can cremate their old phones. The remains will then be placed in a tiny urn that they can take home. Finally, attendees will receive a coupon discount on their next Otterbox purchase. These pop-ups will create shareable moments on social media.
We will be placing Otterbox branded white phones and flowers around cities. Marking where people have dropped and broken their phones.
We will be partnering with Hallmark to release a custom line of sympathy cards to be given to people who broke their phones.
We will write an obituary for a broken phone on accompanied by a banner ad.
This Instagram story plays a trick on the viewer, making it seem like their phone screen is cracked. 

