Carter the Frog
Custom made to order, for possible inclusion in a tv-show... my lawyers tell me I shouldn't reveal much more. I can say this much tho... the client needed a working puppet that, on the outside, looks like a frog your grandma would have knitted. Spot on!
Delicate knees, deep green, happy smile - unmistakably 'Carter' the frog.
There is actually a hand-hole in the back so that the face can be manipulated in classic puppet style. Hands and feet can have wires or thin metal sticks attached for movement. 

It was a total joy to bring Carter to life! You know, in that really slow magic trick kind of way where I turn a couple of balls of yarn into a soon to be famous television star.

Yay Knitting!
I'll normally start by sketching out my ideas, or modelling them, before creating the final being. It's also a great way to work with remote clients, keeping them involved in the process and making sure we're literally on the same page!
Carter's unadorned and definitely-economy-class seat across the US, to be delivered to his new home in NYC.
Carter the Frog

Carter the Frog

Carter the frog, a working knitted puppet. Cleverly hidden internal structure allows the puppeteer to work their magic!
