Diego Speroni's profileClara B. Speroni's profile



Esta es una serie de fotos que hicimos para el concurso #fujistasencasa durante la cuarentena, pero en este caso el mérito es de mi hija @clara.speroni que iluminó improvisando con lo que había en casa, pensó las escenas, busco los planos, dio vuelta media casa y salió esta maravilla.
Usamos una tira de leds que teníamos guardada, una linterna con papel del color, lámparas y velas que había en casa, una demostración que con muy poco se puede hacer lindas fotos.
Todas son tomas directas, sin photoshop, solo revelado de color.


What started as an idea for a photography contest, resulted in these series of photos. Using just what we had in our house (a simple flashlight, a strip of leds glued to a cardboard, a few candles and some color filters), the idea was to represent this quarantine we are all living, but in a more dramatic way, a little more apocalyptic. 
Two lovers that embrace as if it were the last time they could hold each other; the guy living only with his dog, eating directly from the pan with the TV on, and giving up on everything; the girl who wished that special person could be there with her and who remembers them by listening to some music, maybe re-reading old texts. The dark but intimate atmosphere invites the spectator to watch (as if it were through a window) in the lives of each of these people, with the intention that the viewer feels as if traspassing a private space, watching something they shouldn’t be watching, but feeling all the thoughts and emotions and feelings the protagonists in our photos are experimenting.
In these difficult times we are going through, now more than ever we need to be creative, to be kinder, to be united. Don’t give up, don’t despair, don’t lose hope. This is not like the photos. This is not the apocalypse. We are together in this. And this too shall pass.


