Behance — the world's largest creative network

Share your work.
Grow your career.
Get paid.

Over 50 million members in the Behance community
Creative work gets seen billions of times every year on Behance
Founded in 2006, Behance has been a trusted network for over 15 years

How creatives earn on Behance

Behance is a community of over 50 million members across the world. See how they use Behance to grow their creative careers on our blogopens in a new tab.

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New opportunities from top clients

  • Set your availability for freelance and full-time work
  • List services you'd like to offer
  • Showcase your best work on your profile
  • Set your own price and timeline
A project proposal from a Behance user to a prospective client for their illustration services on a children's book - it includes a message describing the deliverables and the target delivery date. Overlaid is the project's status (in progress) and a timeline of the deliverables completed so far. Overlaid is a view of the fees for the project including the Behance user's fees, the client's fees, and a breakdown of the payments based on the project timeline, upfront and upon completion.
Freelance Projects

Get paid for freelance projects

  • Send proposals to clients
  • Get paid directly and securely
  • Earn client reviews and a profile badge
  • Priority placement on our Hire page
A card describing the illustration services a Behance user is offering - they include a set of 3 custom illustrations with 2 concepts and 1 revision. The timeline is 4-6 weeks and the cost starts at $1000 USD. There's a button to inquire about their services. Overlaid is an inquiry to the aforementioned Behance user for their services on a children's book - it includes a message and the proposed timeline and budget. There are two buttons allowing the user to either create a proposal or decline the inquiry.
Premium Assets

Sell downloadable creative assets

  • Sell downloadable files
  • Set your own price for each asset
  • Set your license type
  • Appear on our Assets page
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Behance Pro

Supercharge your creative career with Behance Pro

  • Understand your clients better
  • Earn more money on Behance with 0% platform fees
  • Showcase your work on your own customized Adobe Portfolio website
  • Stand out with advanced project settings and a Pro badge
A card describing Behance Pro.

See what our community says

Learn firsthand from our members on how they've grown their careers with Behance.

I've used Behance as my main portfolio for many years, and a lot of clients have discovered me through my Behance portfolio. Through Behance I have found the way to have clients, art exhibitions and publications through my personal artworks!

Leonardoworx LWX's profile
Leonardoworx LWX
Digital Designer

Behance has given me so many opportunities! I owe a lot (even everything!) to this platform. I think that 70% of my clients come from Behance!

Laura Normand's profile
Laura Normand
Art Director and Digital Artist

Behance is one of our best new business tools. Many clients have mentioned over the years that they have found us this way.

We love your platform and it has almost become our new website.

Pop & Pac Studio's profile
Pop & Pac Studio
Multi-disciplinary Design Studio

I always have been and always will be an advocate for Behance to other creatives because you guys have given us a place to showcase our work to the world. For that I sincerely say thank you.

Arthur Keef's profile
Arthur Keef
Photographer and Artist

Behance is now our number one source of new business inquiries and you have been instrumental in this.

Bark & Bite's profile
Bark & Bite
Motion Design Studio

I think that Behance is really a positive and fantastic platform, so much that my site links directly to my Behance page. Through Behance, I found a lot of new opportunities and many people were able to know my name.

Alex Valentina's profile
Alex Valentina
Visual Artist and Graphic Designer

When asked for advice by other artists I always tell them that Behance is super important and powerful for their career.

ori toor's profile
ori toor
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To get paid directly on Behance, connect your account to PayPalopens in a new tab or Stripeopens in a new tab, our payment processing partner. These payments are safe, secure, and global.