MW van der Walt's profile

Fully Rigged: A Vintage Monstro

​​​​​​​Fully Rigged is a personal learning project diving into modularity of the digital cinema camera Red Monstro 8K VV, juxtaposed with a vintage Russian lens, the Helios 44-2. With an end goal to see how far I can take the entire product visualisation process on my own. From modelling, texturing, compositing, design to post. An experience filled with mistakes and lessons learnt.

Learn Squared
The first segment is the homework for the Learn Squared course, instructed by Kiril Chepizhko. Our brief was to design a complex system and to assemble several detailed parts into one cohesive object.

After deviating from my initial idea, the concept I decided to go with was to build a Red Digital Cinema. A superb quality digital camera, built on a modular structure. Detailed components are designed alongside this thing. Expanding it from its original form into something more powerful and versatile.

Being modular systems their external structures are virtually identical, however, as a metal head, I just couldn't help myself not choose the DSMC2 Monstro 8K VV. Just that title alone tempts me.

Website Redesign
During this project I've visited Red's website quite often for references. As a web designer it was a pain to see such a stock standard website for a company with such a clear distinct design language in their products. The redesign section is quite large in itself and can be found here on the B Side.

Art Prints
Every piece of hard work needs its own set of fine art prints. I am proud to off these prints at my store so that you may entice your inner gear head with your very own piece of Fully rigged.​​​​​​​

All prints available on my Redbubble store

Rig and Props
RED DSMC2 Monstro 8K VV

The camera Brain is the primary building block of the RED system. It holds the image sensor and advanced computing components. It is also compatible with a growing arsenal of modules and accessories. 

Helios 44-2m 58mm 1.8f with EVF adaption kit
RED Canon Lens mount

Travel Box x 4
RED Mini Mag

RED Brick 153W
RED Charger V2

Rear Mount
RED V-Lock I/O Expander

Top mount
RED 7" LCD Touch Monitor
Trigger Handle
Top Mount

Bottom Mount
Easy Riser
Dovetail Safety Rail

Safety NATO Arm​​​​​​​


Ejected Scenes
With all the time I’ve spent, looking back I would rather have attempted various projects with smaller goals. Working on a big project such as this dug the hole deeper and deeper. The longer I worked on it, the unhappier I became about what I’ve done. Hoping that fixing one piece might put it all in perspective, only to repeat the frustration. All the long hours made me resent it. Sending my procrastination into hyper-drive and not wanting to continue further.

Even though I didn't use these for my final piece there’s some elements in them worth showing and they can still be used as promotional pieces.

Fusion 360

Substance Painter

Cinema 4D

Take away
With all the time I’ve spent, looking back I would rather have attempted various projects with smaller goals. Working on a big project such as this dug the hole deeper and deeper. The longer I worked on it, the unhappier I became about what I’ve done. Hoping that fixing one piece might put it all in perspective, only to repeat the frustration. All the long hours made me resent it. Sending my procrastination into hyper-drive and not wanting to continue further.
Thank you for coming all this way. You can see the website redesign here → Side B

Thank you for viewing my project. If you would like to contact me, you can send me an email to

Or you can have a look at my work here:, ArtstationInstagram or Dribbble​​​​​​​

Fully Rigged: A Vintage Monstro

Fully Rigged: A Vintage Monstro

Hard Surface Modelling project of a Red Digital Cinema DSMC2 Monstro 8K with attachment props and elements. This is a homework piece for a LearnS Read More
