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Estevan Oriol, LA Woman

Estevan Oriol, LA Woman

Estevan Oriol, LA Woman is Estevan first book and is unmistakably a landmark in female street photography. Capturing everything from his neighbourhood homies to the Hollywood A-list, Oriol has quickly become the most respected photographer on the streets of Los Angeles. This collection, dedicated to the beautiful women of the City of Angels, is a testament to this.
The internationally celebrated professional photographer, director and urban lifestyle entrepreneur communicates quality through the careful and intricate use of camera angles, lighting, background environments, and colour schemes, all of which demonstrate the unparalleled passion that Oriol has for his work.
Estevan Oriol, LA Woman
Hardcover, 23x31 cm, 136 pages  |  Drago Publisher   |  ISBN: 978-88-88493-47-3
Designed by Kittesencula Ltd.
Estevan Oriol, LA Woman

Estevan Oriol, LA Woman
