For this logo, I worked with Second Chances Thrift Shop, in Kamloops BC. Located on the North end of Kamloops, it supplies a number of products to the community, from clothing to appliances. They work under the BC SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and with that the profits earned go to supporting the animals in need. The core values of the BC SPCA are kindness, respect and compassion towards animals and the thrift shop follows those values by ensuring they are making sales each day so they can continue to fund the animals.
When making my logo , I wanted to keep it's design rather simple, however I really felt adding some bright colours would also compliment it well, as the thrift shop has a very positive and joyful environment. I made the dog orange, matching the primary of the colour of the thrift shop, and gave him a blue shirt with white paw prints on it. The blue is another colour of the thrift shop as well as a primary colour of the BC-SPCA. The purpose of the shirt is to add humour as it seems like the dog likes to thrift shop, and I made the shirt outgoing to add more of a thrift shop theme. The dogs is also seen with a big smile to symbolize the idea that " animals deserve to be happy". I used a semi-professional font, meaning while it is formal looking, similiar to a times new roman, bolding it and matching it with the bright joyful colours made it look a bit more fun and happy, as well as it's very easy to read.

