Architectural Design Studio 2
A.A 2020/2021
Prof. A. Nebuloni, M. G. Limongelli
In partnership with: 
Marcella Bertolaso, Alessandra Braga, Li Youting
Lecco (LC), Italy
“Rizoma” is a symbolic name used to underline the project’s intentions, it refers to the modified plant stem that allow them to reproduce in adverse weather conditions.
Post COVID-19, in fact, the need to return to populate public spaces and consequently live their shared dimension was at the center of the reflection that led to the creation of a space that could adapt to any eventuality.
The starting point was to reinterpret the concept of “square” with the desire to create a space capable of weaving a strong relationship between man and man, but also between man and landscape.
Consequently, the genesis of the concept started from the perception of space and the way in which sharing of the same could be expressed.
Temporariness and fluidity were the two main characteristics sought with the project, both at the spatial level with the permeability between inside and outside, the alternation of certain activities, and at the landscape level where the tree species characterize the place with different nuances to the vary by months.


