This is a personal brand I created for my company, Vectyr. The slogan "Brand or Die" sums up the problem I have seen over and over again my whole career with clients. If you fail to brand, you brand fails (hey, that's another good one).

I got the idea from the "Join or Die" flag/image that was popularized around the time of the United States' struggle for Independence. I've always loved how black and white the statement was, there was no compromise. 

I wanted that same boldness with my brand.
I intentionally went with Helvetica Neue, I know it's used almost everywhere but you just have to admit what a timeless and beautiful font it is. That's what I am to create, brands that are timeless.
Now, it wasn't enough just to have one version of this slogan. In my mind I couldn't help but imagine a skull and crossbones and so I used a lowercase "bod" with a bit of an angle to kind of create a skull-like look. 

I thought it was perfect that the letters form a mirror image left to right; serendipity. It also gives kind of a pirate, rebel feel. My brand archetype is the "Rebel Sage" so this was intentional.
I also created a logo for my branding framework which I call "B3T" and the diamond shape is meaningful as well, you'll have to ask me about it sometime ;)
I sport my swag on my YouTube show "Brand or Die," you can watch it here:
Here's a YouTube thumbnail for the Brand or Die show.
Check out my website:
Yeah, last of all, I just had to create one of these but with my own vibe.
Brand or Die


Brand or Die
