About the Series

350,000+ views via YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook since March 2020 with 70% of audiences in the NYC metro area and over 60% of subscribers identify as caregivers.

During the pandemic, I produced, wrote, and hosted weekly one-hour episodic children’s shows for Trinity Grace Church (TGC), a non-denominational church in New York City, providing a seamless experience for households to stay connected to their local neighborhood community. Since March 2020, the episodes have received 350,000+ views and resulted in over 800 new subscribers on YouTube.

Working alongside the church staff — including my husband, Armistead, director of Kids Digital Lab — and a team of professional filmmakers, we transformed our offices into a full-service production studio with flexible set pieces for a wide range of needs to create grownup and kid-friendly programming.

Even as countless lives in New York City were upended, our team received compliments and positive anecdotes of how the online broadcasts helped foster deep connections to the community, even after transitioning back to in-person experiences in Fall 2021. Kids Digital Lab worked to uplift and inspire families to stay connected and explore important themes like gratitude, confidence, honesty, patience, and teamwork.
Kids Digital Lab

Kids Digital Lab
