Ethan Davis's profile

personal project Programmed to live in the moment

Programmed to live in the moment
For this personal project I looked into the fact so many people spend hours everyday behind a phone. I feel this is very prevalent in society today as many people film everything rather than enjoying the moment they live in. I feel so many people try to capture their whole lives to enjoy it later rather than learning to enjoy it now.
For my set of three posters, I used an illustrative style to recreate an old PC and internet router. I used the imagery of technology to represent the idea of people relying too much on electronics. I decided to keep the poster very simplistic allowing the illustrative style and type to stand out. On top of that I feel less is more and allows the poster to be more impactful.
For the type I used a bold more decorative sans-serif font. I chose this font as it felt similar to the fonts seen on old computers whilst being modern and more legible. On top of this I made the text larger this way it is easy to read and would help draw the viewer's attention toward it. 
For my colour palette I kept it very basic. The use of black and bright green pays homage to the old computer screens that would display green text on a black background. This creates a nice contrast allowing the text to stand out even more from the rest of the poster. To pair with this I have used white and grey in my illustrations; this again creates a good contrast between the background and type. This colour palette allows each part of the poster and allows both the illustration and type to shine.
personal project Programmed to live in the moment

personal project Programmed to live in the moment
