Tom Seibold's profile

Perceptive Software collateral and media

This is one of dozens of print pieces I created during the startup era of Perceptive Software, the enterprise content software now folded into the Hyland product line. I like to take technical topics and put them in understandable language, and supplement the copy with meaningful visuals to help educate or persuade. The design of this piece was done by the always-creative Kevin Potts, who took my verbal concepts for visuals and perfectly executed the dramatic comparison of physical and virtual memory I wanted on the second page.
As a startup with a burgeoning product line, Perceptive Software had many things to promote and explain, both on the web and in print. I've included this piece as another sample of copy and visuals that take a technical product and convey its benefits to a mainstream business audience. Because the product was not named when I got the assignment, I sat down with the product manager and suggested "Document Control Suite," which he approved, allowing us to start creating all the required marketing collateral.
I was asked to create an explanation of cloud computing for non-technical audiences, and came up with a combination of copy and visual ideas to get that point across. The actual illustration and animation was done by the helpful and always-talented Trent Turner.
This short video explains the benefits of "process mining," a method of using software for extracting, analyzing, and visualizing aggregate enterprise system logs to reveal bottlenecks in complex corporate processes. I wrote and verbally story-boarded this video, but the excellent animation was done by Angie Milosevich.
Perceptive Software collateral and media


Perceptive Software collateral and media

A combination of marketing publications and media works written and/or visually conceived by Tom Seibold.
