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Tribute to Forges 2018 exhibition

Tribute to Forges 2018 exhibition
Photography - Illustration - Retouching

Creation of a illustration presented at the call and selected for its exhibition at the Tribute to Forges 2018 exhibition, coordinated by Dimad and Autoedita o Muere.


The only necessary requirement to participate was the development of a free technique work (photography, illustration, collage, typographic composition...) to honor the graphic humorist Forges (Antonio Fraguas de Pablo), which dedicated more than 50 years to making us think, portraying our daily reality through vignettes filled with analysis, criticism and non-conformity using an extensive iconography of characters and situations in which the idiosyncrasy and sociology of contemporary Spain is reflected.

The illustration is based on the motto "the pen is more powerful than the sword"* emphasizing the direct and sincere opinion of the graphic humorist Forges, through the representation of a pen and its lid turned into the hilt of a sharp dagger.

In turn, the illustration includes some winks as is the character of his last vignette engraved on the cover of the pen, which gives it its own identity (no doubt, it is Forges' pen).

*The motto used in the illustration appears in the work "Richelieu: or, The conspiracy. A play in five acts", written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton and published in 1839.
Exhibition. Matadero's Design Center
The exhibition took place at the Matadero's Design Center (Madrid) from march 20th to april 17th, 2018.
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Tribute to Forges 2018 exhibition

Tribute to Forges 2018 exhibition

Creation of a illustration presented at the call and selected for its exhibition at the Tribute to Forges 2018 exhibition, coordinated by Dimad a Read More
