Creepin' it Real

Nobody really truly celebrates Halloween in this region SE-Asia. It’s never about pumpkins, skeletons, or trick-o-treating.
What is true horror? We aim to please genuine horror lovers.

​​​​​​​Most of the time (in movies/TV) we find ourselves scared of the unknown = mysterious sound, figure in the dark, etc. This feeling of not knowing builds tension, suspense and leaves you feeling very uneasy. This feeling is exactly what we want to deliver through our visuals and copy direction.
Hence, the dark, blurry visual treatment and messages that are vague and questioning.

Overarching idea = STORYTELLING
We aim to promote our collection of horror content and create engagement with our consumer by combining old media (typewriter, polaroids) with modern lingo and platforms (social media). Since the direction we have for this campaign is quite copy-driven, we decided to use a special font instead of our corporate body font. We believe this would make the copy stand out better.​​​​​​​ 

GAME TIME: How many spiders can you spot in 20 seconds?
Let us know in the comments.

Thanks for watching

Creative Direction - Charléne Devismes
Art Direction - Siti Putri, Akid Alias
Motion & Graphic Design - Ashley Loke, Terry Chen​​​​​​​
Copywriter - Jessica Divakaran

Creepin' it Real