Jason Weinlein's profile

Miscellaneous video clips promoting the mission of SOSC

Video Production

Below are a sample of video pieces that I have put together to promote Special Olympics Southern California. We use the videos on all of our social media channels to help promote our mission and to give our athletes the forum to tell their own stories. We also are able to highlight our volunteer base, which forms the backbone of the organization.
Athlete Anthony Baker shared a wonderful story about overcoming obstacles in his life. His story is just one of thousands that define the importance of the Special Olympics movement.
Richard Hardy has been making pancakes for our volunteers at Summer Games for over 15 years.
This was a fun clip that I was able to put together by pulling out a fun piece of an interview that I did with Heidi, an athlete, and her mom.
This 30 second spot was used to promote the second annual "Cop on a Rooftop" fundraiser by the Law Enforcement Torch Run in partnership with Dunkin'
In 2017 we created the "31 Days of SOSC" social media campaign to tie in with year-end giving. The campaign consisted of assorted static posts and a handful of video clips. The "SOSC Christmas Story" was one of my favorite pieces to assemble.
Another clip in the "31 Days of SOSC" campaign. The wonderful thing about this clip is how it captures the fun side of our Athletes.
This interview clip was with the Soccer Coach of the Season. It was great following him around for the afternoon and getting a chance to see him in action, and get to hear first hand from his team why he deserved to win.
Brian Dinkins is another long term volunteer with a great story. His involvement started with one of his mentors got Brian involved, and as he says he has been "hooked ever since."
Miscellaneous video clips promoting the mission of SOSC

Miscellaneous video clips promoting the mission of SOSC
