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TypeType Foundry's profile

TypeType Foundry

A custom font from scratch

From US$5,500

Custom fonts are the business card of large brands. We create personal commercial typefaces for companies taking into account the project peculiarities. We can develop one typeface or a whole font family. Companies often need to have a display font developed for headings and printed materials, and a text font for use on the website and in applications. A custom font goes through the research and sketching phase, approval and detailed design of graphic and technical characteristics of the font.

Within 3 months

3 concepts, 5 revisions

Font Customization
Font Customization
Font Customization

From US$150

Sometimes even the font you like may not suit the project. TypeType has a solution: customization. You can make personal changes to any font you like from the TypeType collection, thus making it more suitable for the project. In the framework of customization, we can make technical or graphic adjustments, depending on what we want to improve in the font.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 3 revisions